Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Motivation

Yup, It's Monday  again already. Its hard to believe February is almost over! Not only that BBB is almost over :(  This is my last week with the Best Body Boot Camp and I intend to make the very most of it. While I certainly have great workout habits, I sometimes struggle with food temptations.  So, for today's MONDAY MOTIVATION I stole  compiled a few terrific tumblr pics that will help me make better choices in the kitchen.

#1 rule in my opinion, choose more foods without label than with labels.

So easy, so simple!

These two pics bring to mind Brendan Brazier's  Thrive Forward Program
He promotes healthy eating and choosing nutrient dense foods over empty calories.
I highly suggest checking out his site for great tips and videos.

In the end being balanced is the most important key to "diet".

I personally don't believe in "DIETS" only because I don't think they work, especially for the average person. While a lot of people have jumped onto the "clean" or "paleo" bandwagon ( and that's great for them) I know that I cannot sustain any restrictive diet long term, which in turn sets me up to fail. I simply follow what I call a "traditional" lifestyle. I eat as much whole food as I can, including wheat and dairy (I have no food sensitivities and I feel for those that do). I cook my meals most of the time and bake weekly. I try to avoid sugary or processed foods when possible, but I do indulge once in a while. 

I hope these tumblr pics help motivate you into make great food choices. Have a terrific week :)

Do you struggle with food?
Do you follow a specific diet?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

workout recap

Since we are now in the last 2 week session of BBB
I really wanted to go hard and give it my all. Now is the time to really see what I am made of.

I decided there were going to be no modifications or substitutions done this week. I also made it my goal to seriously put in an effort to reduce my sugar/ fat/ sweets in take. I really just want to see what kind of results I can achieve when I put in a whole hearted effort.

Here's a breakdown of my week's workout.

Sunday - As always Sunday is our Cross Fit session at the Fire Hall. Our usual coach is taking a break due to family needs (he has 4 kids!!) So I modified a great workout of that I found here. This site has amazing workouts that are tailored to meet the needs of busy mammas like myself. SHe also scales the weight to make it more manageable as most mammas are not as strong as typical CrossFit athletes.
2 rounds of: 
20 deadlifts 95# 
30 wall balls 
20 ring rows 
30 box jumps 
20 SDLHP 20 kg 
30 burpees 
20 push press 45# 
30 walking lunges

We were DONE at the end! I always love how this tough workout really sets the pace for my week.

Monday - I did 4 rounds of BBB strength A. In this workout we had to superset a strength move with a 20 sec cardio boost. The cardio boosts included : 180 squats and high knees. The strength moves inlcuded: pull ups, push ups, and a few others. Because I chose 4 rounds of this bad ass workout I was able to opt out of the additional cardio. Its much more preferable for me to keep going and push through the extra rounds and not have to do something else afterwards.

I also snuck in a short 2 mile ski with the kiddos in the afternoon :)

Tuesday - Turbofire 45 Fire workout. In order to really push myself I knew it was time to try some of the harder Turbo fire workouts. This one was not a total hit workout but she included several fire drills that had me dripping with sweat by the end. I will really be able to up the intensity once I get a handle on the choreography.

Wednesday- It was a hard day for me. I had Dr. Appointments, vehicle maintenance, parent teacher interviews and kids  manage. I wasn't able to get my workout done during the day so I saved it for that evening. Although I was really tired I forced my self to push through Strength B with Rebecca.  Again it was design for 4 rounds of 5 sets of 2 supersets. This time the cardio bursts were mountain climbers and bench hops. Since I don't have a bench I opted for box jumps (just as tough in my opinion). The strength moves included: down dog push ups (my fav) two arm fly and bench dips with a kick.

Thursday - Back to Turbo Fire, this time I did a 30 min Hiit session! IT WAS INSANE!! But I made it through and loved it!!

Friday - Tim had the day off so I quickly ran through 1 round of strength C - ladders of strength and burpees!! Then we went out for a 4 mile ski! It was incredible. The temp was perfect and the trail had just the right about of rolling hills to make it work but fun.

Saturday -  REST!!! (much needed too)

Today Also marks the start of my HALF - MARATHON Training. While I am not running today I am changing m weekly workout schedule to fit in 3 weekly runs. I am hoping that 2 short runs plus 1 long run and 3 strength session will be the right thing for me right now. I will miss Turbo Fire, but I may add a short hiit workout now and again.

As for my food goals. I made it 4 days so far without dessert. It was Becca's 14th birthday yesterday so there has been cake and jello and lots of snacks kicking around. But I am trying and I did make it Sunday through Thursday without a treat, so that is real progress for me. Baby steps right!

How was your week?
Did you push harder than usual?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Enjoying Winter

If you know me at all you know that I REALLY don't like winter. In fact I have been HATING winter a whole lot this year. We have had one of our absolute coldest winters with a lot of weeks with temps falling to below -30 C each and every day. I personally enjoy being outside - running, walking, and enjoying nature. You can't be outside when the wind chill is -30C!!!

Fortunately, we received a little reprieve from Mother Nature this week so the Hubs and I decided to make the most of his RDO and we hit the ski trails.

By the lunch time it was a balmy -12C, perfect for an outdoors sweat session.

We have a terrific set of ski trails on McKenzie Island, just a short drive by ice road from home. As I have not skied the "Island" for nearly 5 years and since we didn't have any kids with us we opted to ski the RED trail - a beautiful 6+ km trail that features lots of twists, turns and sloping hills.

the trail starts with crossing the pond

my fabulous classic skiis

me post ski

my shadow ;)
We just shuffled along enjoying the  fresh air and scenery. It took us about an hour to ski the 4 miles, not fast but that wasn't the point. 

Afterwards, we went to our favourite local restaurant for burgers and sweet potato fries. 

My fabulous husband enjoying his Borscht soup.

What did you do this weekend?

Do you love winter??

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What We've Been Eating

Its been a busy busy week for the Szaflik Family!

Here's a bit of a recap as to what I've been cooking!

Monday was Family Day in Ontario and we made the most of it, even though it was crazy cold!!!

We started the day with yummy french toast and bacon. Later that morning I started whole wheat Cinnamon Buns to enjoy after our ski.

For dinner I put a pork tenderloin into my slow cooker and made this recipe we ate roasted asperagus and sweet potatoes as our sides.


Even the kids loved it!
I borrowed this photo from the recipe site!

Tuesday we were all back to work with meant school lunches and coffee and left over cinnamon buns for snacks. Along with our usual fresh fruit and veggies.

For dinner I used the left over pork to create Quesadillas and wraps with home made guacamole and fruit salad.

I ate the left overs for lunch on Wednesday! Man they were so good!

We were planning on this GEM of a recipe for Dinner Wednesday night, but a busy day and after school meetings left me too tired to cook, so it was Kraft Dinner (Mac and cheese for my American friends) for the kiddos and eggs for mamma.

I did find the time yesterday to bake up this yummy loaf. It is low fat and super tasty. It made a terrific bed time snack to go with my David's Tea.

Today's challenge from Healthy sELF came at the perfect time - make a green smoothie. I enjoyed this yummy berry banana smoothie with vanilla protein powder and lots of fresh kale after this morning's workout!

Tonight I really hope to make that Coconut rice shrimp bowl from Nutrition Ella. I've got all the ingredients ready to go.

What are you having for dinner??

Monday, February 18, 2013

Motivation Monday

Hi everyone Happy Family Day!

We are planning to hit the ski trails this afternoon for family day. But first I thought I would share a few inspirational pics that I found on Tumblr.

Todays "THEME" is not quitting! If you stick with it and commit to being a healthier you results will happen. You just have to BELIVE IN YOURSELF!

Will you commit? Will you make the time for yourself?

I will and I hope you do too!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Workout Recaps

Hi again,

Its the weekend and the perfect time to recap my recent workouts.

I'm still participating in Best Body Bootcamp (another session is set to start April 1st. I highly recommend it you can sign up here). So my workouts have mostly been designed by Tina.

I have been changing up my cardio workouts as I haven't really felt like dragging my butt to the gym to jump on a treadmill. I LOVE Turbofire's Hiit workouts and they have served me well over the years.

Feb 3.  - Cross fit Sunday - Fight gone bad: we did 4 rounds of 1 min each - row, sumo deadlift high pull, wall balls, box jumps, push press, and deadlifts. The plan was to do 3 rounds but we all had a little gas left in the tank so we went for broke. It was a terrific way to start the week.

Feb 4. - back to the gym for my BBB strength A and my 2nd virtual race for 5 by the 5th and 13 in 2013. I ran a hard 5K in just under 30 mins on the treadmill. I had 2 sub 10 mins miles and was pushing under 9 min miles for a portion of the 3rd. It was hard but worth the PR!!

Feb 5. Rest day - I wasn't feeling well.

Feb 6. - BBB - B lots of plyo moves with a few weights mixed in.

Feb 7. Turbo fire Hiit 15 and 100 burpees for my Healthy sELF Challenge

Feb 8. I was traveling to Montreal that day to see my mom so I opted for a QUICK AND DIRTY cross fit workout rather that the scheduled BBB workout. I redid ANGIE to see if I had made any progress. While my time was not faster (slower by 7 Mins ) I did manage to improve my technique. 

100 pull ups (with my foot on chair vs jumping)

100 push ups (all done on my toes this time)

100 cruches (better for my back than CF sit ups)

100 squats

Like I said my time wasn't great but I did the push ups on my toes (9:09) in 10 sets of 10.

Feb. 9  a short dog walk with Emily

Feb. 10 - I ran 5K in Memory of Sherry a woman killed this time last year while out for her morning run. Its a real tragedy and I think we should all run for her to make a stand against violence. You can learn more about the run and the tragedy here.

It was nice to be able to run outside.

Feb. 11 - My mom's husband took me to his gym where I ran 2.5 miles and did BBB Strength A plus some push press and deadlifts. I got a few odd looks but really didn't care lol

Feb. 12 - Em and I had to be up at 3:30 am to catch our flight home. The long trip caused some serious DOMS and I did nothing but sleep that evening.

Feb. 13 - Still feeling crummy I took my pooch for a nice 3 mile walk.

The Sun felt terrific!

Feb. 14 - Back to the gym for BBB strength c and a 2 mile run. My legs were still sore so I only ran 10 mins before and after my upper body workout. The concentration curls were killer and I am feeling it today.

How were your workouts?
Did you try anything new?

Friday, February 15, 2013

13 things I love right now!

I know Valentine's Day was yesterday but my schedule didn't allow enough time for a good post.

I really wanted to share the 13 things I love most Right now (it is 2013 after all)

1. My Main man! My husband is terrific, he has always been super supportive and encourages me to work outside the box. When I wanted to quit my job and work for my dad he said "go for it" When I want to take up training for a 10 K he says why - you can do the Half! I am so lucky to have found him!

2. My 3 girls. Yes the drive me insane most of the time (that's what kids do), but honestly you couldn't ask for better girls. They are kind, loving, polite and fun. They all have their individual strengths and personalities and certainly keep me on my toes! 

3. My pooch - Lily is the most amazing, loveable dog I could ever ask for. She is a snuggle champ and awesome running/walking companion. She gets me moving and out the door often.

4. Coffee - I did mention the husband and 3 kids and dog right! Need I say more??

5. Knitting - I love to knit and wear all things woollen and warm! Right now I am working on some super soft baby gifts and a sweater for myself.

6. David's Tea - this is quite possibly the most yummy tea you will ever find. I am loving the fruity non caffeinated versions especially sleigh ride!

7. Warm slippers - Its winter here in the Great White North and no matter how warm the house gets the floor stay cold. These babies keep me toasty!

8. Inspiration women on inspirational blogs! - I won't play favourites but I have about 10 that I follow daily!

9. A Challenge - this is new to me since last November, but right now I can't seem to get enough of them. You can find links to my favourite challenges on my side bar. AND... there is a new SBBC about to start along with a NEW BBB!! Get signed up now!!!

10.My NEW VAN!! - I know, I know you are thinking a van and you are excited?!? I ahev always been an SUV lover due to our location, but times have changed and this mamma was ready for a van. Its not like people didn't know I was a mother of three running kids from sporting event to sporting even and back. I've got to tell ya. it's amazing!! The ride is so comfortable and the heated seats and steering wheel are to die for!!

11. My muscles - yup I said it! I love my body! I love the changes that occur frequently and how strong I am becoming! 

this was taken a while back, I'm pretty sure my "guns" have gotten a whole lot larger! but I love the definition in this pic!

12.Oatmeal - I know that sounds boring, but right now there is no better way for me to fuel my body on a cold cold Canadian morning! Plus you can Jazz it up in a variety of ways. 

13. Great books! Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. I particularly love great books about strong women who over come life's challenges. Some of my favourite reads include : "The Birth House" by Ami McKay; "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay; "One Day" by David Nicholls; "Left Neglected" by Lisa Genova; and "The Postmistress" by Sarah Blake.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hi Again,

Its Tuesday!

My Mom is turning 60 next Monday! Rather than buy her something she really doesn't need or want I thought it would be fun to surprise her with a quick visit. My middle daughter, Emily, and I are traveling together to Montreal this Friday and will spend the weekend helping Nana celebrate and return home next Tuesday.

While traveling can be should be fun, and a time to let loose, it doesn't mean you have to completely for go your diet or exercise regime. You may have already read my post about how to eat on the go, well this post will focus on tips for how to get a work out in while you travel.

1.  Research! - this is really important especially if you are traveling to a new location. What will the weather be like? Can you run/ walk outdoors (this may be a really nice change if you are traveling from a cold climate to a warm climate)? Is there a gym nearby? How safe is the neighbourhood? If you are staying in a hotel - do they have a fitness centre?

2. Pack right! - if you are only making a quick trip you can probably make do with one workout outfit, yes you can wear the same bra and socks again! We workout freaks enthusiast are usually not too picky about throwing on a stinky tee knowing very well it will be drenched in sweat again shortly. Again pack for the climate, you need very different outfits for an outside run that you do for a spin class.

3. Be creative! - Going to a larger centre (I am leaving a town of 5000 for a city of 1 000 000!) try something new! Always wanted to try out a Cross fit Box? or take a Barre class. Look for one in the new location. Many gyms / classes offer a free class. This is also a terrific time to catch some new scenery as you run through various neighbourhoods or trails

4. But be smart! - perhaps enlist a friend / co worker / family member to go with you if you do venture into new territory. Also remember to carry some I.D, hotel contact info, and cash with you. You never know when they can come in handy. And also be sure to tell someone where you will be going.

5. Be Flexible! - if trying a new gym, class or running path can't happen or your hotel doesn't have a fitness centre don't be discouraged. My Mom doesn't have a treadmill or weights kicking around so I plan to use the Web to help me get my sweat on. There are a million great web sites that offer FREE workouts that can be done in a small space. Not to mention the plethora of workouts that can be found on pinterest. I have some on my fitness page that you can find on the pinterest link. As for me I think I'll be doing something like :


 source : gnc-travel-crossfit-wod

She rocks in my humble opinion! I use her workouts all the time!

Here's a peak at my outdoor running clothes:

Do you travel often?
Do you workout while traveling?
Do you try new gyms or classes or just use the hotel gym?

I hope to get a outside run in (it should be about 20 degrees warmer in Montreal!) and one or two in home workouts done! Can't start slipping on BBB now! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Motivation Monday 3

Monday, Monday!

Mondays can be really hard for a lot of people. Too much fun on the weekend, too much to do in the coming week. Here are a few tumblr pics to help motivate you to Get After your week!

I love this Tank! Her arms are amazing!!

I am working on this move!

This is perfect! Enjoy your workout, revel in the great feeling! Don't spend the entire time beating yourself up!

Have a terrific week!

What motivates you??

Friday, February 1, 2013

Workout Recaps

I cannot believe that I have not yet recapped my weeks of workouts! I personally tweet, facebook, and log each and every workout into Daily Mile each and every day, but have not yet shared here.

Well, that is about to change!

I'll save you the pain of having to read through each workout I've done lately and share the big ones from January!

We started the month off right in our house with a 5K commitment walk. I know it is supposed to be a 5K run, however the gyms were closed and the roads were treacherous! So hubbie and I walked. It took us just over an hour, but it felt great to start the year off right!

Around the same time we did a major cross fit bench mark - ANGIE - She was a b*tch to say the least. 100 jumping pull ups, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, and 100 squats. I finished in 14:39, I cheated most of my push ups and did them on my knees. We hope to revisit Angie soon to see if we have made any gains.

The rest of the month was pretty typical; I started Best Body Boot Camp and visited the gym on a regular basis with strength training and cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Cardio and core on Tuesday and Thursday.  I love this program and I can't say enough about the plans that Tina Reale designs. They really force you out of your comfort zone and have you try new exercises weekly.

I have also continued to go to Sunday's Cross Fit Workout at the Fire Hall. James is another rock star who comes up with some CRAZY WODs!

I got a new PR for my dead lift: 135 lbs. It also knocks a major goal off my 2013 goal list - to lift my own body weight!

My Favourite had to be the 1000 rep workout that we did 2 weekends ago.
10 exercises 100 reps of each in 45 mins or less. None of us completed it but we came close.
Here is my break down:
100 ring rows
100 walking lunges
100 push ups
100 burpees
100 dead lifts
100 kettle bell swings
50 box jumps
70 push press
30 wall balls
1000 m row - The cut off time came half way through my row but I refused to give up!

I hurt for several days after this workout but it rocked anyway!

Last weekend I was out of town, but I refused to let that slow me down. I found a great WOD on this site (Jess at the blonde ponytail is my hero! I love her workouts!)
I did the "Out of the Box WOD" 
6 rounds of:
0.5 mi run, 10 pushups, 20 sit ups, and 30 squats.
Having completed that workout early in the morning while my skater slept had me feeling terrific all day!

I finished the week with 3 more BBB workouts including today's 100 rep workout - 100 reps of 10 different strength exercises! Wow my legs were a shakin'!

As I am still feeling sick, with a cold, I decided to keep my germs at home and did some great at home cardio including Turbo fire 30 min fire and this fun workout I found on pinterest, I love that site!!

According to Daily Mile:
I spent 21 hours working out with 6 workouts a week.
I also moved 30 miles! Yahoo!
I averaged 3 strength, 5 cardio, 1 cross fit plus yoga every week! Not too Shabby!

Have you been off to a terrific start?
Do you have specific goals for February? I'll share mine next time :)